Monday 7 February 2011

Tips for Choosing Baby Names

Sometimes choosing a baby name being a fun event also make you and your partner confused. Because choosing your baby's name is the first gift from you to your baby, and baby's name will be used by your child's in the future.

Below are some tips that you should consider when selecting and determining your baby's name:

  1. Beautiful to hear and harmonious. Pick a name that sounds beautiful when spoken and harmony with your family name, if you use a family name behind the name that you choose.
  2. Unique, Choosing a unique name still ok as long as sound wonderful, harmonious and easy to pronounce. Unique doesn't mean a name sounds strange or difficult to pronounce.
  3. Positive meaning in life. Choosing a name that contains positive meaning for life, this is an important one, do not give a name that carries bad meaning. Remember this name will be carried forever by your child.
  4. Easy nickname, choose a name that easy to call everyday.
  5. Easy Pronunciation . Pick a name that easy to pronounce.
  6. Choosing names for boys and girls, consider to choose a name that indicates a clear gender.
Save all the ideas existing name with a list, can be from magazines, tv, or family and friends. We recommend to you DO NOT tell the first decision about the name you choose to anyone until the birth of your baby. And DO NOT let anyone force you to give a name that you do not like.

All of the above just tips to help both of you in choosing your baby's name easier. The most important thing when you both vote and decide your baby's name is that you both liked it.!

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